Etherplan is a website produced, written, and edited by Donald McIntyre dedicated to research, articles, & podcasts about Ethereum Classic, Bitcoin, and decentralized applications in general.
Etherplan Metrics from January 1st to December 31st of 2019 were as Follows:
• Unique users: 16,867
• Total sessions: 24,278
• Total pageviews: 33,748
Top 10 Countries by Unique Users:

1. United States: 6,586 (38.68%)
2. United Kingdom: 687 (4.03%)
3. South Korea: 554 (3.25%)
4. Canada: 549 (3.22%)
5. Germany: 531 (3.12%)
6. China: 517 (3.04%)
7. Russia: 496 (2.91%)
8. India: 401 (2.35%)
9. Japan: 380 (2.23%)
10. Vietnam: 352 (2.07%)
Top 10 Articles by Pageviews:
1. Ethereum Classic vs Ethereum 2.0, What is the Difference?: 1,817
2. Update Your ETC Nodes: Ethereum Classic Will Fork on Block 8772000 Which is Approximately on September 13th, 2019: 1,348
3. Why Proof of Stake is less Secure Than Proof of Work: 1,221
4. Ethereum Classic Opportunities: 1,200
5. Why is Ethereum Classic Still Viable After the 51 Attacks? Why Does ETC Even Have Value?: 1,131
6. The Format War, Layering and Systemic Risk Will Define the Future Landscape of the Blockchain Industry: 1,063
7. Ethereum Classic Explained in Layman’s Terms: 1003
8. The Ethereum Classic Ideal Long Term Roadmap: 986
9. Ethereum Classic ETC is Philosophically the Same as Bitcoin and Technically the Same as Ethereum: 907
10. Why Does Bitcoin Have Value?: 728
For consulting or sponsorship, please don’t hesitate to contact Donald McIntyre here >>>.
Source: Google Analytics.