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Highly secure proof of work public blockchain social layer relations must remain defensive and unfriendly, if needed, because in systems that seek to dissolve top down leadership and governance, to uphold etiquette and diplomacy, rather than safety, is a security hole.
Proof of work public blockchains are, and will always be, under constant social attack.
Any person calling out supposed ‘toxic’ behavior or calling for ‘civility’ and ‘kind’ behavior is engaging in a social attack and undermining security.
Calls for ‘civilized’ discourse and conformist forms of expression in the blockchain industry are veiled efforts to disarm security focused opponents from their rhetorical tools.
Strong rejection of insecure ideas and proposals are part of the incentive model and must prevail.
It is no surprise that snowflake behavior and shows of sensitivity and supposed outrage in crypto are largely acts, lies, and cheating tools in the arsenal of mostly big blockers, proof of stake, and performance focused, get rich quick, scheme proponents.
Code Is Law