Ethereum Classic, Immutability, Decentralized Computing, and ETCDEV GmbH

At ETCDEV, the leading Ethereum Classic (ETC) development company, we’ve been working in the last eight weeks on our business development plan, brand definition, brand storyboard, brand strategy, and preparations for the ETC Summit 2018. ETCDEV is an amazing team and our engineering expertise is only comparable to the level of Bitcoin Core.

One of the main challenges was to clarify the different concepts about Ethereum Classic, its underlying purpose, the problem it solves, and who we are as a company and a team. For that I created an institutional video mockup which attempts to explain those components.

Please watch the following 3 minute video to learn about:

– What problem does ETC solve?
– What is the solution?
– Why is Ethereum Classic that solution?
– What is decentralized computing?
– Why is immutability important?
– ETCDEV GmbH as a company and our team
– What do we do?
– Products
– Where to engage with us to build on ETC

We also had a great time in Seoul, South Korea at the ETC Summit 2018!

So, if you want to build on Ethereum Classic or work with ETCDEV tools and sidechains, then please visit our website, documentation repository, Github, or contact us:


Author: Donald McIntyre

Read about me here.