There are two restrictions that impose limits on human behavior: genetic selfishness and limited mental capacity.
Genetic selfishness guarantees that the ultimate goal of the actions of animals is to have an individual genetic return. That means that all the information and rhetoric of the people who say “this is to save the world”, “for the common good”, or “I do it out of solidarity” is 100% not true.
Limited mental capacity means that no one; regardless of their education, intelligence, or where they come from; has the mental capacity to understand the complexity of reality. It is impossible to plan the lives of hundreds, thousands, or millions of people. That is why all political models that are dirigiste (for simplicity I refer to them as “communist”) inexorably fail. It is impossible to have a president or economy minister or secretary of X who is going to solve the lives of millions with their silly government measures. The only measures that work are those that guarantee individual freedom. This is because individual freedom allows each individual to make their own decisions and do what seems best for their person and those closest to them. That works, communist centralization doesn’t.
This is why markets, and individual and economic freedom, are always claimed by many, because those methods and institutions are much more effective for one to direct one’s life than to have the government bureaucrats and their pretentious “scientist” functional sidekicks directing the whole world.