From beautiful Cornwall, in the south western tip of United Kingdom, Pete Mathew has been producing videos and posting them on his personal website since 2009.
As an IFA (Independent Financial Adviser) he works in a traditional financial planning practice, Jacksons Wealth Management, but he decided to embrace the internet to expand his message and that of Financial Planning.
His mission with online video, and also podcasting, is to make financial planning not exclusive to the rich, but to help everybody who wants to hear. The concept is to educate and spread the word, but it happens that has also turned into an effective prospecting tool for his business.
This is a great lesson as many of us turn to the internet to blog, video, podcast, and sincerely spread the word of our values and help others, many times some of that help comes back in our direction!
In this video Pete talks about his background, the lovely views in Cornwall, and explains how he leverages the internet to amplify Financial Planning:
Check out Pete’s educational videos here >>>
This is Pete’s “about” video on where he explains his philosophy of personal finance education: