Ravencoin Explained With Bruce Fenton and Tron Black

Bruce Fenton and Tron Black are co-writers of the Ravencoin white paper. Tron is also the lead developer of the project. In this interview we go over the general structure and some details about the network.

We spoke about:

– What is Ravencoin
– What is the network’s history
– Next steps
– Structure (VM, blockchain, currency, consensus mechanism, programming language, stakeholders)
– Policies (security, monetary, governance)
– Target audience and users
– Add-ons (SegWit, RSK, Lightning Network)
– Resources for users and developers
– Other roadmap items
– Opinion I: Why not build all those features on Bitcoin or Ethereum?
– Opinion II: How can a security focused philosophy include hard forks and bigger blocks?

Please watch the interview below:


– Ravencoin wallet: https://ravencoin.org/developers-repository/
– Ravencoin white paper: https://ravencoin.org/whitepaper/
– Ravencoin block explorer: http://raven-blockchain.info/
– Ravencoin stats: https://rvnstats.info/
– Ravencoin Discord: https://discord.gg/jn6uhur

Disclosure: I own a small amount of RVN cryptocurrency, RVN 4000 worth ~$160.00, at the time of this interview.

I wrote this article and did this interview myself, and it expresses my own opinions and those of my interviewees. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company, person, or project mentioned whose cryptocurrency, token, or stock is mentioned in this article and video interview.

Author: Donald McIntyre

Read about me here.